My cat is overweight, help!

Overweight is not only a problem for humans. Pets are also victims, and cats are no exception. And the number of cats that are currently overweight is constantly increasing. However, obesity can shorten a cat's life expectancy. Precautions should therefore be taken to prevent this from affecting its health.
What causes cats to be overweight?
There are several reasons why your cat may become overweight. It could be a change in lifestyle or an unhealthy diet. Overweight cats can also be caused by disease.
Lifestyle changes
By neutering your cat, you are unknowingly increasing the risk of your cat becoming overweight. After neutering, your cat will often forage for food on a regular basis, without exercising.
You should also be aware that all the changes that occur in your daily life can cause your cat to become overweight. These include moving house, a sad event in the family, or you being away for a long time.
Unhealthy eating
It is important to know the eating habits of pets, especially cats, so that you can better meet their needs. The opposite will make your cat feel like eating too fast, causing you to feed him a lot more food, which can lead to obesity. However, fatty foods can also cause overweight.
You may not be aware of this, but there are certain diseases that can cause cats to become overweight. These can include endocrine disorders such as diabetes, malformation or tumours in the central nervous system. Certain medications such as corticosteroids can also cause a cat to become overweight.
Hyperactivity and depression
Generally speaking, cats have a calm character. However, if you notice hyperactivity, where the cat cannot control itself, you should consider the possibility of being overweight. This is because a hyperactive cat has trouble recognising when it is full and demands more food, hence the extra weight. A depressed cat, just like a hyperactive cat, will only find relief by eating.
What are the signs of an overweight cat?
First of all, you should know that a domestic cat weighs between 3 and 5 kg. If it exceeds about 20% of this weight, it is considered obese. There are a few signs that your cat is overweight that should alert you. For example, if your cat starts to show sleep disturbances or is unusually fearful, it may already be in an overweight phase. In some cases, he hardly grooms himself at all, or on the contrary, he grooms himself too often, even pulling out his belly hair while licking himself. Other signs such as disorientation or marginalisation should also be taken into account.
How to overcome a cat's overweight?
If a cat's obesity is caused by a disease, it is important to consult a veterinarian who can provide the appropriate treatment. It would also be very helpful to provide the necessary therapy for anxiety and hyperactivity attacks. The most important thing is also to keep him moving regularly.
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