The blog of nature lovers
My cat is overweight, help!
My cat is overweight, help!

Overweight is not only a problem for humans. Pets are also victims, and cats are no exception. And the number of cats that are currently overweight is constantly increasing. However, obesity can shorten a cat's life expectancy. Precautions should therefore be taken to prevent this from affecting its health.

Flowers to plant in June for all summer long
Flowers to plant in June for all summer long

On the balcony or in the garden, flowers offer a special charm during their blooming period. In June, amateur and professional gardeners alike are busy taking advantage of the sun to plant the species that bloom throughout the summer. They are a real eye-catcher with their colours during the summer months. There is something for everyone. Here are some examples.

Cooking for your cat: 6 ideas for homemade recipes to feed your cat in a healthy and balanced way!
Cooking for your cat: 6 ideas for homemade recipes to feed your cat in a healthy and balanced way!

Just like humans, animals can also maintain a healthy diet. It's all about having a balanced diet that can provide the necessary nutrients for proper growth. The best way to keep a cat healthy is to cook with the help of a homemade recipe that will contribute to the animal's well-being. Here are a few recipes to make your cat's meals a success.

Our tips for welcoming newborns
Our tips for welcoming newborns

Like all living things, animals also need special care to preserve their fragile health. This is the case for calves and lambs, whose births deserve special attention, as they are not immune to the risks of mortality. Especially since they are confronted with sudden changes in their environment. Here are some tips and tricks for welcoming newborns.

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