Dogs have always been the most loyal animals to humans. They are true companions and protectors in case of danger. They entertain children and accompany you on walks and other moments in life. There are many different breeds of dogs, which is why it is sometimes difficult to find the one that suits you best. In this article you will find the 10 most popular dog breeds in Europe.
Probiotics are food supplements that boost an animal's health. They are living micro-organisms that protect pets from digestive diseases. Horses, dogs and others benefit from them in every way. In this article you will find all the benefits of probiotics for pets.
For your dog to grow up well, it is necessary to give him a good diet. You need to balance protein and calories to avoid illness. In addition to the usual kibble ration, you can vary his diet by preparing homemade dishes. This way, you know exactly what's in the food and can control the calorie intake that's essential for your dog's health and well-being. Here are 5 homemade recipes for feeding your dog properly.
For the health and well-being of your pet, especially your dog, cat and rabbit, remember to protect them from certain plants. Here is a list of toxic plants that they should not go near in order to avoid any form of poisoning.
Adopting a dog means that you have to take care of it regularly. This is essential to keep your dog healthy and beautiful. All canines need brushing, washing and other care for their hygiene. But you may be wondering how to wash them, remove fleas, care for their skin, etc. Some breeds may require more subtle care than others. So check out our tips for caring for your dog.