Toxic plants to avoid for your animals

For the health and well-being of your pet, especially your dog, cat and rabbit, remember to protect them from certain plants. Here is a list of toxic plants that they should not go near in order to avoid any form of poisoning.
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley, in its entirety, is a toxic plant for cats and also for young animals. The water in the vase containing this plant is also harmful. All parts of the plant contain substances that irritate the digestive tract, causing salivation, vomiting and diarrhoea, sometimes with bleeding. In addition to the digestive system, this plant is also toxic to the heart. Symptoms of nervous disorders may appear such as uncoordinated movements, convulsions or tremors.
The lily
The cat is the main victim of lily poisoning. The ingestion of a single leaf of this plant can lead to the death of your companion. The symptoms that should alert you are frequent vomiting and kidney failure.
In dogs, you can only observe moderate gastrointestinal signs.
The buds and leaves are the most toxic parts of this plant. The most frequent symptoms of intoxication are salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain. Cardiac and nervous disorders are also observed in case of ingestion in large quantities.
This plant is toxic to almost all pets: cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. However, the leaves are the most harmful part. If ingested, croton can cause symptoms of digestive disorders, nervous disorders and also dehydration.
Aloe vera
Dogs and cats are the main victims of aloe vera poisoning. The leaves and gel contained in the plant are extremely toxic. They can cause digestive and nervous disorders if ingested in large quantities.
Moon Flower
Chewing or swallowing the plant is often responsible for intoxication in pets. Indeed, the sap of the Moonflower is very toxic and causes irritation. The most frequent symptoms are salivation, vomiting and even diarrhoea. Sometimes it can also cause breathing difficulties and in the worst case, lesions.
Dogs are often more affected than cats when it comes to cycad poisoning. The seeds and leaves of this plant contain substances that are highly toxic to the liver. Even very small amounts can be fatal for small dogs. The symptoms first affect the digestive system (vomiting and diarrhoea), then the nervous system (weakness, trembling, etc.).
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