What is Hobby Farming ?

What is Hobby Farming ?

Hobby farming is also called agriculture for pleasure. It is the practice of farming or raising animals as a passion. Today, hobby farming is becoming a trend in many countries, including France. To find out more about this rural hobby activity and how to practice it, you can read the lines below.

Where does hobby farming come from?

According to history, hobby farming originated in the United States. It is the mixing of gardening, ecology and animal husbandry. With this concept, farming and gardening become a leisure activity, even a real hobby.
Some people also assume that hobby farming simply comes from the French countryside. In recent years, more and more countries are practising it.

How to practice it?

There are several ways to practice hobby farming. For example, you can keep a few chickens. They will give you eggs and get rid of some of your organic waste. You will get fresh eggs every day. By the way, whether you live in the city or in the country, you can have your own henhouse.
To practice hobby farming, you can also keep a few rabbits next to your vegetable garden. These animals are cute and can decorate your garden. They are a delight for young and old alike. Their flesh is also tasty, cooked with wine.
To get into hobby farming, you can also take up beekeeping. In this case, you can install a beehive in your garden.
Next to animal husbandry, there is farming. To practice hobby-farming, you can opt for the share garden. You can grow your own vegetables there. If you don't like the idea of a share garden, you can always grow some herbs on your balcony or roof.

What equipment or animals do I need to start?

To start, you can keep 2 or 3 chickens. They will give you eggs and meat. On the other hand, they are easy to keep. They can eat anything, even organic waste or kitchen scraps. They also have many benefits for the garden. Their litter can be mixed with compost to fertilise the soil. They will also eat the insects and grubs that can damage your crops.

To keep chickens, all you need is a chicken house where they can rest at night. Simple planks can be used to make a coop. A wire mesh fence can also be used to prevent them from escaping.

Hobby farming: a family activity

As a leisure activity, hobby farming can be enjoyed by the whole family. Young and old alike can have fun while taking care of their crops or animals. Moreover, this activity allows children to learn all the techniques of breeding or cultivation. They can also learn about their environment and its benefits for ecology and nature.

What is the purpose of hobby farming?

The purpose of hobby farming is first and foremost to have the leisure to practice agriculture or breeding. It can also have a commercial purpose. In this case you can sell the products of the animals and the crops on the market or to your neighbours.


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