EMP Rotomoulage Grey gutter collector for water recovery EMP ROTOMOULAGE
Grey gutter collector for water recovery EMP ROTOMOULAGE
EMP Rotomoulage

Grey gutter collector for water recovery EMP ROTOMOULAGE


Choose a gutter collector with a filter for rainwater harvesting, featuring an automatic overflow system. Its sloping surface makes it easy to collect rainwater.

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Product description

The DN plastic gutter collector has a filter for easy rainwater collection. Its overflow system regulates the flow of water through the collector. Its sloping surface makes it easy to collect rainwater and place it in the collector provided. Quick and easy to fit, it can be connected to any gutter with a diameter of 80 or 100 mm.

Features :

  • Material: plastic
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 18 x 10.7 x 14.5 cm
  • Weight: 360 g
  • Colour: grey
  • Made in France
  • Garantie de 1 an
Product information
Brand EMP Rotomoulage
Article code MFB2047449
SKU 810200002
EAN 3666136002621
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